Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Displaying the Results in the NYU Berlin Academic Center

I was very pleased to have gotten about 26 responses for the Comfort Zones project. Considering there are only a few more than 100 students at NYU Berlin, this is a pretty significant portion of the population. Once I got the handwritten responses I transcribed them exactly as they were written (which was sometimes a challenge) in order to display them. Some of them were aggressive, slightly offensive, funny, unusual, and nonsensical. But most of them were quite interesting and thought provoking. 

In displaying the results I wanted to be clear about what the project had been, and I wanted to be clear about what I wanted to convey with the results. When I was collecting the hand written results, the image of so many small thin pieces of paper sort of reminded me of the rungs of a ladder. This got me thinking about my method of display. So I arranged each side: the responses from people who chose to stay within the comfort zone and those from people who chose to go outside it, on either side of a pillar. The explanation was in the middle. 

At the top of each ladder I put a piece of verse that I thought encapsulated the results of the project in an interesting thematic way, as if to suggest that the ladder was leading to something, and people had the choice to go one way or another. 

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