Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Results and Themes

Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
For I have known them all already, known them all:
Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
 So how should I presume?

     -Excerpt from T.S. Elliot, Prufrock

The choices we make are the legacy of the people we know.
The ones that we love really put on our show.
We're made of threads from the fabric of life.
We would be so bland if it wasn't for strife.

We're just tiny pinballs in a game of chance,
An empty cauldron filling someone else's pants.
What would we be, if no one was around?
I don't think a personality could even be found.

    -Excerpt from J.B. LeBuert The Choices
     We Make

I chose these excerpts to go along with the project because of their thematic relationship to the text. Once I collected the results I immediately noticed that there were many more people who chose to go to the out of the comfort zone side. It seemed to me almost that people were choosing it because they thought it was the right answer, or that they thought there was something more virtuous to choosing it. But really I think people thought they were going to get some sort of moral pat on the back for it, and that's why I chose the Lebuert poem. As for the Elliot piece, I think the line "Do I dare / Disturb the universe?" is pretty indicative of the project as a whole. Similarly, the rest of the poem is partially about a man who struggles to move himself to action, and is frustrated with his own and other people's unwillingness to change. I thought this was a fitting companion to the project.

Below are the results copied as submitted:

Went outside the comfort zone
  1. Usually out of necessity. I tend to avoid it and stay in because I get anxious.
  2. Usually, I feel okay because it is not as bad as I thought it would be.
  3. I chose this side as nothing I felt nothing bad can really happen. I did not Choose because of rewards, but rather what the risk was

  1. I always want to try and experience new things. Its a way for me to stay Positive and feel like I’m growing
  2. Leaving my comfort zone allows me to challenge my ideas and self understanding
  3. You never know what could happen or who youll meet. Even if it ends badly at least somethingl happened. Go learn from it


  1. I have never taken the easy path. I feel like we were all born with curiosity. The question is when do we let curiosity act. Only the risk taker wins or loses, the others do not play
  2. I would have gone for the comfort zone if it was my comfort zone However, I do not feel like I contributed in making it
  3. The idea is to have fear, overcome it and then learn more. You can always go back to your comfort zone but only every once in a while you can take risks

  1. A sense of obligation (in the Kantian sense - i.e. when it seems to be the right thing to do)
  2. I’m generally content as long as i feel I’ve made the right decision
  3. I’m on a creative high right now

  1. I feel like nobody leaves their comfort zone unless they feel like there is something to gain. Happy people may not feel the need.
  2. Fear is supplanted by understanding, and understanding leads to the expansion of one’s comfort zone.
  3. I chose this side because it felt most natural - this is the perfect stage of my life to venture into the unknown! (We do this every day!)
  1. We choose to leave our comfort zones because we’re afraid of missing opportunities (ex love, ambition)
  2. We feel scared, hopeful, disappointed
  3. I’m on a diet...

Stayed in the Comfort Zone:

A. Need for food & Shelter
B. Safety or new experiences
C. I wanted some candy
A. I always try to go out of it but I think it’s hard to get out of it fully-people move slightly
    outwards but dont fully leave it so i feel like I actually dont leave it.
B. I feel doubt where I am even comfortable or not what my comfort zone is
C. People don’t know themselves and very rarely actually learn their comfort zone. I am
one of those
  1. I cannot eat this candy
  2. I like candy
  3. I am vegan

AC Test

  1. curiosity! hope of something better
  2. FEAR  disappointment?  Excitement
  3. You’ve been hypin it for a while + I had time to think thru my options + I was willing to bet this side had somethin cooler than candy (It didn’t)

  1. Learning/experiencing new things really broadens my horizons
  2. Excitement from trying something different and learning from the consequences.
  3. Wasn’t feeling the candy cause I just ate. Tryna keep the calorie intake lower.

A. Sometimes I want to challenge myself.
Sometimes I know I need to grow.
Sometimes you don’t have a choice but to
Branch out - you aren’t given an option.
But other times I want to be safe.
Other times I want to be cozy + comfortable.
Other times I know I can’t handle it.
Other times the costs aren’t worth any gain
B. Usually I feel doubt. that I made the wrong choice, that I would’ve been better in the other option. Rarely am I confident I did the right thing.
C. I’m not totally sure. The other side looked like it was trying too hard tbh. I didn’t feel particularly strongly about this one though. just…  chose it?

  1. If I am feeling v restrained somehow
  2. doubt
  3. It was closer

  1. What drives me is to be different and not do what everyone else is doing.
  2. Either complete satisfaction or regret
  3. I was hoping the notes contained something inspirational. I preferred that rather than chocolate

  1. Boredom. Feelings of inadequacy
  2. Depends on what happens. If it goes wrong, I regret it. If it goes well, I’m happy I did.
  3. The yellow tape on the Floor seems aggressive. I’m going to take the candy From the other table anyways.

  1. I go outside my comfort zone when I see an opportunity to experience something new
  2. I feel excited when I leave my comfort zone
  3. some one was at the other table


  1. fear, caution, pessimism
  2. I forget about the choice

  1. New environment  New Vibe  New people
  2. Scared. afraid. While exciting.
  3. the brighter color

  1. Staying within my comfort zone is … comforting .  especially in unfamiliar environments.
  2. like i’m not pushing myself
  3. candy :)

  1. Knowing it will pay off in the end (drives me to go outside my comfort zone)
  2. … comfort, but also guilt for not pushing myself
  3. I didn’t know what this was + was just tryna eat some candy

  1. Out: I think the ambiguous is exciting. I have no choice but to be comfortable + adaptable.
  2. To stay within I feel complacent + lazy. I always want to push out!
  3. I was feeling chocolate -y candy!

  1. Circumstance or being w/ friends
  2. Either uncomfortable or regret
  3. bc the other one was filled

  1. I feel comfortable there and I like certainty
  2. I feel relieved
  3. Because I like to be certain

  1. The people I’m with
  2. Once I leave: it’s great if I find a way to adjust. But comfort zone is better
  3. candy???

  1. Fear     comfort(obvious)
  2. Self-sure.  confident
  3. Candy?

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